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CQAA August 2015 Round Table Discussion: Data Testing / Data Validation

  • 26 Aug 2015
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Morningstar 7th Floor 22 W. Washington Street Chicago, IL 60602


Registration is closed

Data Testing / Data Validation

About the Topic

Undoubtedly, data is the backbone of most IT organizations. With big data, data warehouses, business intelligence applications, or major ERP applications, how should we validate data from source to destination? And especially how can we assure data quality when transactional data, raw or calculated, is constantly changing?

We are holding a round table discussion for our CQAA members to share practices and approaches for challenges such as:

  • Difficulty in identifying test data/table
  • Difficulty in performing data comparison as database, structure, and schema change constantly
  • Data comes in different time intervals, frequencies, raw data vs. calculated data, etc. How to quickly reconcile and report inaccuracies
  • Data range(s) can vary for the same data point (range can be valid/invalid in certain scenarios)
  • How to identity (or prevent) bad data from Source Systems
  • And more….
We’d very much like your participation and join the discussions on
  • How to better plan for data testing
  • How to design and execute data testing
  • Share your tips and advice…
This is your opportunity to contribute to the Chicagoland QA community!

Date and Time

Wednesday, August 26, 2015
11:30 AM- 1:00 PM


7th Floor
22 W. Washington Street
Chicago, IL 60602
(Check in with security at front desk on first floor is required with a photo identification)


11:30 – 11:45 check-in, networking, announcements, and lunch (Bring your own lunch and drink)
11:45 – 1:00 round table discussion 


REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO ATTEND THIS ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION. You must be on the registration list for entry into the building.

PLEASE REGISTER BY Monday, August 24, 2015 at If you have any questions, please contact CQAA Program Director at

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