Presentations 2012 The following presentations and handouts were provided by our past speakers. You may either view them on-line or download them to your computer by right clicking the link and choosing 'save target as' in IE, 'save link as' in Chrome, 'save link as' in Firefox, or 'save linked file' in SafariOctober 30, 2012 September 14, 2012 Assessing you Testing Using the Test Maturity Model (TMM) August 15, 2012 June 28, 2012 April 17, 2012
Exploring How the Mobile App Project is Shaping the Way We Approach Quality
April 11, 2012 Model Based Testing for Flexible and Predictable Test Coverage March 20, 2012 Testing and Measurement: Transparency, Guidance and Tension February 23, 2012 10 Principles of Smart Requirements Gathering January 17, 2012 Automatic Tests into Automated Builds |