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CQAA August 2019 Lunch-n-Learn: Automation Pitfalls and How to Swing Past the Tar Pit

  • 15 Aug 2019
  • 11:30 AM - 12:45 PM
  • Hosted by SPR 233 S Wacker Drive 34th Floor Conference Room Chicago, IL 60606


Registration is closed

Automation Pitfalls and How to Swing Past the Tar Pit

Scot Noftz, SPR

About the Topic

Organizations need test automation to achieve the benefits of agile team velocity and Dev/Ops continuous delivery.  Although everyone want automation, it’s not a simple one-size fits all solution.  Test automation is an investment with many aspects from strategies and tools to people.  Mistakes are made that lead organizations to abandon test automation due to high cost or not reaping full benefits.  Automation, when used effectively, can yield substantial opportunities to accelerate delivery of quality software. This session will help you build a robust automation strategy that aligns to your organization’s automation goals and avoids common pitfalls. Join Scot to learn about defining clear automation goals, selecting the right-fit automation tool, automating at the right level (UI vs API), identifying target tests for automation, integrating automation within your development process, maintaining your automation suite, having the required automation skills in your team, and more. Real world examples will be included for these automation challenges and their solutions, so you can swing past the automation tar pit to successful automation.

About the Speaker

Scot Noftz is an Automation Test Architect at SPR Consulting with over 10 years of experience in the field of test automation.  He brings his expertise in developing framework accelerators to expedite standing up an automation solution. Scot has successfully implemented automated tests at multiple different companies in various industries and works with clients to foster test automation best practices.  Scot’s main focus is to bring attention to the value of test automation within an organization, both from the impact on assuring quality software as well as the financial and efficiency benefits automation brings across the enterprise.


Hosted by SPR
233 S Wacker Drive
34th Floor Conference Room
Chicago, IL 60606


Bring your own lunch and drink
11:30 am -11:45 am onsite check-in, networking, and announcements
11:45 am -12:45 pm presentation


REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED TO ATTEND THIS PROGRAM. Space is limited. You must be on the registration list for entry into the building.

Please register by Wednesday August 14, 2019, at If you have any questions, please contact CQAA Program Director at

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