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CQAA April Webinar: Emotional Intelligence: Bringing Heart into Testing

  • 21 Apr 2021
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Webinar


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Emotional Intelligence:  Bringing Heart into Testing

Mike Kaufman, Kaufman Consulting

About the Topic

Consider the following analogy. If your relationship with team members is the product, what's the test case for emotions?  If you don't get the "expected result", is it a failed product (relationship)?  Or is it a bad test? How do you improve the relationship to get "All Passed"?  What's an acceptable "defect rate"? In this webinar, we'll explore the link between testing and emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence isn't just "self-awareness". It is much more than that. It includes authenticity, resilience, and yes, even accountability. Long gone are the days of "leave emotions at home." Studies have shown time again that when emotional intelligence is high, teams thrive. Learn how building up your own personal emotional intelligence can make your testing better, your product better, and even your whole team better.

Key Learning Objectives

  • A model of emotional intelligence
  • How emotions affect work (like testing)
  • One thing to work on going forward

About the Speaker

Mike Kaufman is a team and systems coach, working with groups of people to address the giant, usually silent, elephants, making it safe to do so.  Mike has more certifications than any one person really should have, but makes effective use of them when working with teams, and the individuals within those teams. With a background in team and systems coaching, as well as mediation and conflict resolution, Mike holds the space to allow effective communication to flourish. He lives in Canada and longs for the day he can once again go to a warm beach somewhere…. Anywhere.



Please register by April 20th at If you have any questions, please contact

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